NASSL would like to wish all the pets, and owners, a very Happy New Year for 2021 and hope we can rehome more unwanted pets in the coming year. For information on pets needing homes please contact Pauline on 01325 321855 (cats and dogs).
For donations of good quality bric-a-bric telephone 01325 321855 or 01325 311215 and we will sort the best time to collect.
We urgently require cat litter, both wood and clay base, to have the litter collected please telephone 01325 321855 or 01325 311215 and we will arrange a collection time. We also need seed and food for the wild bird project – please contact 01325 311215.
NASSL are feeding a large number of street cats in the north east, which we have had neutered, please visit the website wish-list page, if you can help with outside cat beds.
We would like to thank all the people for their help and support during 2020 with all our appeals – thank you.