County Durham residents are being invited to apply for a number of committee roles, focussed on challenging and shaping local services. Durham County Council is looking for volunteers to serve on its overview and scrutiny committees as non-statutory, non-voting co-optees.
Currently, the council has four vacancies for co-optees on three of its five overview and scrutiny committees: safer and stronger communities; children and young people’s; and environment and sustainable communities. The appointments will be until June 2026 when a full refresh of co-optees will be undertaken, with existing co-optees having the opportunity to reapply if they wish to do so.
Co-optees play a key role in developing new ways of working, reviewing existing policies and challenging the performance of the authority and its partners.
Meetings are held in the morning starting at 9.30am and concluding by 11.30am, at County Hall. In addition to formal meetings, the various committees also hold informal information sessions, which take place via Microsoft Teams and therefore applicants would need access to a computer and the internet.
In addition to the six scheduled meetings of the committee each year, co-optees are invited to and can attend any special meetings, informal information sessions, workshops and visits, should they wish to do so. They can also take part in review activities covering a range of subjects, with recent examples including cybercrime, road safety, elective home education, free school meals, the council’s allotment policy and the declaration of an ecological emergency for County Durham.
For more information, or to apply for a position as a non-voting co-optee, email
Application forms should be submitted by 9th August 2024 with successful applicants invited for formal interview.