The AGM was held in the village hall on Tuesday 8th March. Sadly, attendance was rather disappointing, a situation noted by the Chairman in his report. The village hall continues to be the centre of the village community and a base for a wide range of user groups for all ages and interests.
The association is very aware of its responsibility to provide a well maintained venue for its regular user groups and for people to hire for private parties and events.
A programme of maintenance and improvement is planned for the year ahead along with events which the committee hopes our parish residents will use as a way of connecting with their neighbours.
Reports were delivered by the groups who meet in the hall detailing highlights of the year. The user groups continue to be a success due to the unfailing efforts of the group organisers, who in the main are all volunteers, who give their time for the benefit of all their group members. Private bookings for the hall have remained steady over the last year and it is hoped the proposed improvements to the hall will make it more appealing.
The Association reported that due to the economic situation the council is undergoing serious funding cuts and as a result the village hall is going to face significant challenges ahead.
Every resident of Heighington parish is a member of Heighington Village Hall Association and it is more important than ever that people pull together to preserve this valuable asset for the benefit of parish of Heighington and the wider rural community.
Heighington Village Hall Association AGM Report