Heighington Village Fete On Saturday 15th June there will be a traditional Village Fete on West green starting at 2pm. This promises to be lots of fun with plenty to do for everyone including your pet dogs as they are invited to take part in a Fun Dog Show. Cockerton Silver Band will be providing a delightful range of music with the School Choir, Birds of Prey, Plant Stall, Children’s Games, Cake Stall, Craft Stall, courtesy of the WI, and even a Beekeepers demonstration, all contributing to an afternoon of enjoyable entertainment. Do come along to support this lovely day.
Speeding in the Village I am receiving emails expressing concern over recent incidents of speeding through the village. Given the narrow roads and the sharp bends throughout the Parish there are still drivers who are driving far too fast. In response, I have asked everyone to take the registration number of any speeding vehicle, its colour, make and time of the incident and pass this information onto me so that the Police can identify the offending driver.
Coatsay Moor Road Speed Limit Following complaints from residents living on Darlington Road, about the excessive speed of vehicles entering and leaving the village and a meeting with DBC, the speed limit is to be reduced to 40mph.
Twinsburn Road I am pleased to confirm that footway reconstruction works to Twinsburn Road, is starting from the 17th June for approximately 5 weeks – drivers take heed!
Vandalism Sadly, trees have been cut down and recently a seat burnt out completely by someone using an accelerant, parents talk to your children as the PC have quite rightly involved the police.
Councillor Gerald G. Lee