Thanks to the many volunteers, including many children, over 300 new trees were planted in the Sports Field last Sunday morning. Despite the cold and windy conditions, over 24 strong willed residents braved the inclement weather to do their bit for the village and climate change – your time and effort was greatly appreciated and, with time, when the young trees have grown into maturity, even more so.
As there are still more whips to plant, there will be a second planting this Saturday afternoon at 2pm. So, please come along and join us – but do bring a spade.
And, on the subject of volunteering, why not join this Saturday’s litter pick at 10am outside of the Village Hall. Our thanks to Phil Innis and Mark Henerson who have kindly picked up the full bags after our litter pick and brought them into the village for DBC to remove. As they have both had to step back from helping, we are pleased to welcome Gary Raistrick, who has come forward to help us out but, because of work commitments, Gary may not be available on the second Saturday morning of every month. So, we are looking for someone with a van or a towing bar and trailer to volunteer for the job which is to keep this wonderful village of ours, and the immediate area, free of litter. If you are willing to pick up the bags and need help, Mark Henderson is happy to do so.
Councillor Gerald G. Lee.
Heighington Matters