Near Miss Outside School
There are few emails that I receive which cause me as much consternation as those that report irresponsible driving, which could have resulted in school children ending up in hospital, or worse. Such was the message received from a grandmother who witnessed a large white car driving into the school gates and preparing to reverse back onto Hopelands Road, where cars were parked on yellow lines, cars dropping children off and many parents crossing the road to take their children into school. Had it not been for the Grandmother, the white car would have smashed into two children on their bicycles. There is no excuse for such irresponsibility. Vehicles MUST NOT park on yellow lines anywhere outside of the school, parents dropping off their older children can do so where the bollards are positioned having driven down Highside Road into Hopelands and no-one should drive up into the school gates. Please, please drive slowly and with great care.
Tree Planting – Volunteers:
An ideal opportunity has arisen to do your bit for Climate Change and make Heighington an even greener village than it is now. I have obtained 400 whips from DBC and the Parish Council have kindly given permission to plant them in the Sports Field. So, all that is needed is a spade, wellingtons, or similar, and a bit string, wrap up to suit the weather and turn up at 10am on Sunday April 7th at the Sports Field to plant a whip which will grow into a magnificent tree – something that you can watch grow over time and with it a happy memory of a Sunday morning when you made the time to plant a small tree which is so important for future generations.
And Remember:
Egg Rolling,
Easter Sunday
at 10.45am.
Councillor Gerald Lee
(Heighington & Conisclffe Ward)
Heighington Matters