St Michael’s Play Area
Residents living in the housing estate in the west of Heighington will be aware that a few years ago DBC removed the Play Activities on safety grounds. Since then, I have been chasing them to have the activities replaced and needless to say they refused to do so but, with patience persistence, the injection of the £3000 from my community fund allowance, and a brilliant video by a Heighington Primary School girl, Thea Gibson, which DBC could not ignore, another £10000+ was forthcoming and the new Play Activities, plus safety surfaces, have been installed. The swings and the slide will be refurbished when the weather improves so all will be complete for the Spring – My thanks to Thea for her enterprising video, Groundwork and DBC.
Coatsay Moor Speed Reduction
Concern has been expressed about the speed of vehicles coming into Heighington from the A6072 past Fiona and Mike’s farm. After meeting with residents, I met with DBC Highways Management Team to discuss the concerns and it was agreed that a Speed Traffic Survey be completed and, having analysed the results, the council have agreed to reduce the speed limit from 60mph down to 40mph on the slip road leading up into the 30mph sign at the entrance to the village. When the limit is implemented, please keep to the new speed of 40mph for the sanity of the residents, who have lived with vehicles driving at excessive speed, and for the safety of us all.
It is anticipated that it will take a little more time to implement.
Speed Reduction
The majority of roads throughout my ward are narrow and hilly with many awkward bends – sufficient obstacles to encourage everyone to drive with care – one would think. Sadly, I doubt if a lot of drivers do think as I constantly receive complaints about vehicles speeding through the villages, down Highside Road, along Church View – you name the street and drivers will be upsetting those living by Accidents happen, speed disables and, at times, kills. Please drive slowly through the villages and very carefully when driving along our lanes.
Aycliffe Quarry ‘Smells’
Following a very busy Ward Surgery, in Brafferton on Saturday 3rd February, residents more than bent my ear about the smells coming from Aycliffe Quarry, I have organised a face to face meeting with Ashcourt and the Environment Agency. I know, from the emails that I have received from Chestnuts residents, that there are times when the smell drifts across the estate. If anyone has any actual times and dates, of when these odours occur, please send them to me.
Councillor Gerald G. Lee
Heighington & Coniscliffe Ward.
Heighington Matters