Two Appeals
To ALL Drivers using the A167 into Darlington
To parents driving their children into
Heighington Primary School

Over the years there have been many nasty accidents at the crossroads on the A167 leading off to Brafferton and Whiley Hill. Most drivers will be aware of this road junction nestled just below the brow of the hill at the end of a dual carriageway leading up from the A1M roundabout towards Darlington. The speed limit on the dual carriageway is 70mph and drops to 50mph after a very short distance and this speed limit continues along the A167 past the Brafferton junction. This means that all vehicles driving at 50mph over the blind hilltop have very little chance of avoiding any vehicles, cyclists, horses and pedestrians as they venture slowly out onto the A167 from the side roads, given the stopping speed for a car driving at 50mph is 53 metres, (174’).
I have had meetings with the Police and highway engineers from Darlington Borough Council and I am confident that steps will be taken to improve the safety for everyone driving along the A167 or driving onto it, but the real answer is for all drivers to be aware of this very dangerous road junction and SLOW DOWN as you approach the hill top because not only are you putting the lives of others at risk, history tells us that you are also endangering your own and the passengers who are with you.
Moving from one dangerous driving situation to another – Heighington Primary school.
I am receiving concerns once again about the safety for school children around the Hopelands school gate caused by inconsiderate parents ignoring the School Travel Charter.
The School Charter was developed by parents meeting in my front room many years ago and together we came up with ideas to help improve the safety of our school children when their parents drove them to school. The Charter and an accompanying map was used as ‘Best Practice’ by DBC. It provides a written account of how to drive to school and a map of the area. These are given to all parents of children before they start at school. The charter explains where parents can park and recommends a ‘one way’ system through the Hopelands housing estate past the main school gate. This is not mandatory but by driving in one direction past the school it makes it safer for small children walking into school knowing that traffic will be approaching from one direction and it should be remembered that the distance driving clockwise and anticlockwise past the school is not different but by driving in the recommended direction you will make a difference to the well-being of our school children.
Sadly, there are parents who are ignoring this safe practice, others have been seen to park on the drive leading up to the school gate meaning they have to reverse onto the main road to go home and yet others who are parking on the yellow lines with a handful of unthinking parents driving into the small parking area designated for our residents in Hopelands Court – drivers who are oblivious to the fact that carers and ambulances need full access at all times.
Over the years we have had near misses and when this happens parents understandably become upset.
So, for safety of all children and the sanity of their parents, please heed and abide by the School Travel Charter.
Councillor Gerald Lee