Redworth Village Speed Limit
For some time residents living in Redworth have expressed their concerns over the 40mph speed limit through the village. Many years ago I managed to have the speed limit reduced to the 40mph but since then because of increased volumes of traffic and their speeds residents are concerned for their safety. So I have had discussions with DBC and they are minded to reduce the speed limit despite their opposition over the years. However, the Police will not support the speed limit reduction so I have written to the Police & Crime Commissioner to seek a meeting with her, hopefully to gain her support.
Students from School Aycliffe’s bus access into Heighington
For some time I have been trying to find out out how many people need to travel from School Aycliffe into Heighington to catch the 0800hr bus into Darlington for school or work. Currently anyone wanting to do so have to walk the 1 mile+ leaving home around 7.15am and parents in particular are concerned over the safety issues involved. To date I have received 13 responses which given that there are over 600 houses in School Aycliffe gives me very little for me to work with as there is not sufficient numbers to encourage a bus company to lay on a bus for such small numbers so it is remains a difficult problem to solve – but I will continue to try to do so.
School costs into Hummersknott
In 2011 free transport costs into Hummersknott was stopped and parents had to contribute towards them. Following many meetings with the Head teachers of Carmel and Hummersknott who were sympathetic to the parents concerns, the Schools Forum agreed to subsidise the transport costs which kept the cost of travel to £2 per day. Since then costs have risen to £4 per day per student which is of concern to lots of parents. After talking to the Council I have invited them to meet with parents to discuss their issues. I am awaiting their response
SAFETY – Kieran Maxwell Estate – Station Road.
I have received emails from some residents who are concerned about young people cycling or running through the barriers and hedges onto Station Road from Keiran Maxwell housing estate. By its very nature few vehicles need to use the road which in some ways adds to the danger but even so three near misses have been witnessed where children have been fortunate not to have ended up under a car wheel.
So in the first instance could parents living in the estate talk to their little ones to encourage them to stop riding, running and walking onto Station Road where vehicles and large lorries drive to access the houses and the Garden nursery at the end of the lane.
I have contacted Esh for their comments and they have confirmed that everything they have done confirms to British Standards and there is nothing more they can do so parents it is back to you – talk to your children.
Church and Village Public Toilets
Disturbing reports are coming my way of young people climbing on the roof of the village toilets, hammering on the door of the church and urinating in the church yard. So once again I appeal to all parents to speak to your children about the importance of respecting everything and everyone in the village as their behaviour is unacceptable. I will be asking the Parish Council to paint the roof of the toilets which should discourage anyone climbing on it – for their own safety as well as protecting the roof surface from vandalism.
Parking Bays in Hopelands
It is some time since I dropped a letter through the letterbox of all Hopelands residents asking for their preference on where new Parking Bays should be constructed so it is understandable people are asking me when will the parking bays be installed. The answer is still to be confirmed. The Parish Council are investigating an alternative position for the Parking Bays which involves having the telegraph pole re-positioned. The Parish Council are awaiting a response to determine the costs of having the pole re-positioned involved before making a decision.
And finally Heighington W.I.
A big thank you to Heighington Women’s Institute for creating the two enormous ‘carpets’ of red poppies which they have adorned St Michael’s Church Tower stretching from the very top of the tower down to the ground. Made up from over 17,600 individual poppies the finished effect seen against the ancient stone of St Michael’s is highly impressive – if you have not seen it I would recommend you doing so – and having a wee dram refreshments in one of our two public establishments.
Councillor Gerald G. Lee
Heighington & Coniscliffe Ward
Heighington Matters