A big THANK YOU to Whitehouse Funeral Service from Newton Aycliffe who, with their continued support, have help start this year’s Silent Santa Appeal. This is the fourth year for the Appeal and every years brings in more presents. Last Christmas, with help from our Darlington fire-fighters and the generosity of so many people, we delivered over 500 shoe boxes to excited children, many of whom would receive little, to brighten up their faces on Christmas Day. This Christmas could be different.

Covid-19 will still be with us so money will be an issue in many households but we still intend going ahead because whatever is donated it will put a smile on the face of a child. Currently with donations from Whitehouse Funeral Services and Ruth we have 57 gifts all wrapped, ready to go and with kind permission from Lingfield Point Management Team the gifts will be stored in one of their very pleasant offices, similar to the one they kindly gave us last year.

So if you wish to support the Appeal simply fill a shoe box or a pretty bag, wrap it up and label it for a girl or boy and their age from 5 – 11 and call 314622 or email – If you cannot deliver to 1 Greenhill Road, Heighington, we will pick up from your home and because schools may break early for their Christmas holidays, it would be ideal if you could have them ready no later than 30th November. Thank you.


Roughly eight weeks to Christmas and children will be counting down the days or even hours, if your little ones were like mine. Given the difficult coronavirus circumstances that we are all sharing, the doom and gloom we read about in the press and watch on television and the likelihood that Yuletide family and friends get togethers will be given a miss this year, why not throw caution to the winter chill and light up the front of your house with Christmas lights?

Over the last few months, and for the foreseeable future, social isolation is to be the norm and many are having difficulties coping. The elderly, who would normally be looking forward to be meeting up with their families, will be saddened by having to spend Christmas alone and excited children, who look forward to meeting the man with the rosy cheeks, long white beard and dressed in red, will probably be disappointed this year.

So let’s forget about those Christmassy things that we will miss.

Christmas is a time of joy so wherever you live help lift the spirits of your neighbours, brighten up the lives of your friends and put the sparkle back into the eyes of the little ones by lighting up your house in glorious coloured Christmas lights.

And a very early Happy Christmas to you ALL.

Councillor Gerald G. Lee