In the next fortnight or so mains electric will be connected at the junction of Hopelands and Millbank Road and run down Millbank into the new site on Walworth Road.
Traffic lights will be installed at the following locations:
3 way lights into Hopelands/Millbank;
4 way traffic lights Water Lane/Millbank/Highside Road;
4 way traffic lights Snackgate Lane/Millbank/South View.
The small side road north in front of 1 – 11 Hopelands will be closed off. The work is expected to last a minimum of 2 weeks. Start date to be confirmed, but imminent.
So, to the school and parents, please note that your journeys into and out of school are likely to take longer than normal. Delays caused by the traffic lights may be experienced after dropping your child at the school gates, so all plan your journey, give yourselves more time to drive into school and return to your home or work and drive with great care.
Needless to say final arrangements may alter but the main message is that traffic lights will be appearing down Millbank and there will be disruption so be prepared.
Thank you
Councillor Gerald G. Lee
Heighington and
Coniscliffe Ward
Heighington Matters