Darlington Local Plan
As most people across are aware Darlington Borough Council are busy working on their Local Plan. As part of this exercise our Planning Department write to land owners and agents to ask if they are prepared to release land for development and this process has been carried out across Heighington Parish.
Following the response maps have been produced showing the plots of land that land owners are prepared to release and recently Ward Councillor Crudass, Parish Councillor Bedocs and I have attended two meetings to discuss the feasibility of using each plot for housing development.
As I have been approached by residents making enquiries about which land is under scrutiny, I feel that the maps which show the land areas should be made available for everyone to look at so I have booked the Village Hall from 6.30pm to 8.30pm on Wednesday 16th August so that you can all drop in during that time to see what is on offer.
I must emphasise that although land has been put forward by some land owners no decisions have been made on any of the areas of land put forward. DBC Planners will take into consideration the comments made by your Councillors and others at the last two meetings and then come forward with their preferences for development. At this point they will bring their conclusions to Heighington and invite residents to the Village Hall to discuss.
So if you wish to see what land areas are being considered for housing development, you are invited to Heighington Village Hall between 6.30pm and 8.30pm on August 16th to look at the Four Options. There will be no presentation as such but there will be people on hand to help answer your questions
Councillor Gerald G. Lee
Heighington & Coniscliffe Ward – Tel: 01325 314622