Aycliffe Village Residence Association
A polite request to companies on the Business Park: A major concern voiced by many of the residents of Aycliffe Village is that of the ever increasing traffic volumes through the village via the A167, in particular heavy goods vehicles.
As a perfectly, some might say, more suitable road, exists for vehicles approaching the industrial estate from the south or leaving the business park to travel south, namely St Andrews Way, we would like to take this opportunity to politely request that any HGVs involved in your business be asked to use this route.
A brief study has demonstrated that if only three firms; Plasmor, Gestamp Tallent and Steel and Alloy Processing, met this request, HGV traffic through the village could be reduced by over 50%!
Please help us improve the safety and environment of our village.
In anticipation of your cooperation
Aycliffe Village Residence Association