People are being invited to have their say on a draft masterplan setting out the future development of a key site in Newton Aycliffe.
The Copelaw site is identified as a strategic housing site in Durham County Council’s County Durham Plan and has been earmarked for around 1,430 new homes.
The council has just started work to upgrade the nearby A167 to support the development of the site, using £7.1million secured from the Government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund.
And it is now seeking people’s views on a draft masterplan for the delivery of housing, a new primary school, and other facilities and services on the site.
Cllr James Rowlandson, the council’s Cabinet member for resources, investment and assets, said: “Copelaw is identified as a strategic housing site in our County Durham Plan and we are approaching its development in a carefully planned way. Upgrades to the nearby highways network have begun and we are working with the Church Commissioners as landowners to draw up a masterplan that will help guide future planning applications across the site.
“The draft masterplan proposes a layout for much-needed new housing, including affordable housing, housing for older people, and extra care provision, as well as a new primary school and local centre, which could have shops, cafes and hairdressers.”
The consultation runs until 4.30pm on Monday 13th May, and all comments will be considered before the masterplan is finalised, prior to submitting an outline planning application this summer.
People can find out more about the masterplan and comment on it at a drop-in event being held at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre from 2.00pm to 6.00pm on Wednesday 8th May.
Alternatively, they can register to join an online consultation session taking place at 5.30pm on Thursday 9th May or complete a consultation survey on the council website.
To view the masterplan online and complete the survey, or to register to join the online consultation session, visit:
Have Your Say on Masterplan for Key Newton Aycliffe Site