Residents in Great Aycliffe & Middridge can find out how local issues are being tackled when the local Area Action Partnership (AAP) holds their next board meeting later this month. The GAMP Board will be meeting on Tuesday 27th September 2016, between 6pm and 8pm, at Middridge Village Hall, and members of the public are invited to go along to observe proceedings. Over the last five years Durham County Council has faced large financial challenges as funding from central government has gone down year after year, while costs such as fuel and demand for our services have gone up. The challenge has not ended and the council need to continue to make savings, including over £29 million during 2017/18. Each year it becomes harder to find savings and not affect frontline services. So, this autumn, as we start to think about budgets, we are asking for your views and ideas on new savings proposals. There will be a presentation at the meeting by a senior council officer, explaining the council’s approach and proposals for the future. The views and local knowledge of those involved in AAPs has been of great value and your feedback has guided us over the last five years. Your views from this consultation will guide our approach for the next three years. The Board will also be receiving an update presentation on Child Sexual Exploitation at the meeting. Local people can also raise any neighbourhood or local policing issues that they would like the Board to address. These need to be put in writing and sent in advance of the meeting. To help us prepare relevant paperwork in advance, anyone who would like to attend the Board meeting should register by ringing 01325 327441, or by emailing gampaap@durham.
Have Your Say on Local Issues