Residents in Great Aycliffe & Middridge can find out how local issues are being tackled when the local area action partnership meets later this month.
The GAMP Board will be meeting on Tuesday 26 January 2016, between 6pm and 8pm, at Oakleaf Sports Complex, and members of the public are invited to go along to observe proceedings. Local people can also raise any neighbourhood issues that they would like the Board to address. These need to be put in writing and sent in advance of the meeting.
The Board will be receiving update presentations in relation to the Fire Service’s Integrated Risk Management Plan, and the Council’s Poverty Action Plan.
In addition, Mr Ron Hogg (Police & Crime Commissioner) will be available at the meeting venue from 5.30pm, for people to have the opportunity to comment on the Police & Precept Council Tax for 2016-17 before the main meeting starts at 6pm.
Anyone who would like to attend the Board meeting should register in advance by ringing 01325 327441, or by emailing – Great Aycliffe & Middridge Partnership is one of 14 Area Action Partnerships set up by Durham County Council in 2009.
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