The Inner Wheel Club of Newton Aycliffe have held some successful events recently and would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported them.
The Wedding Dress Parade held was a great success, enabling them to donate funds raised to various cancer charities throughout the region as was their coffee morning held this month which supported Parkinson’s UK to celebrate World Inner Wheel Day in January.
Their regular quiz sheets have proved to be very popular, the latest proceeds were given to the North East Air Ambulance Service, as was the home made ginger wine, the proceeds of which appropriately went to Dorothy’s Wells turning wine into water!
Other fundraising events are being organised to continue to support charities wherever possible but, just as importantly, social events are arranged to continue friendship and support within the club.
If you think you would like to be part of the club or can support us in any other way, please contact Margaret on 01325 317308.
Hard Work Rewarded