Unusual contemporary models of Joseph and Mary were revealed over the weekend as part of Bishop Auckland’s alterNATIVITY Advent Windows organised by the Town Team. Joseph (Joe) as a hard hat builder was unveiled at Scope Charity Shop by Ian Black, Project Manager of Meldrum Construction. David Pott, coordinator of Advent Windows, explains: “Joseph is described in the Bible as a carpenter, but the original word used implies a handy man who would have used stone as well as wood and was a house builder. It makes sense to portray a contemporary Joseph in this way, especially with all the great work Meldrum Construction are doing in building the new visitor attractions here.”

A Mary with specs was unveiled by Father Dennis Tindall unsurprisingly at Specsavers. She is a regular Co Durham girl taking a photo of baby Jesus on her mobile phone and about to post it on facebook!

More models will be revealed each day until Christmas Eve when all the models will be collected and paraded through the streets during ‘The Great alterNATIVITY Advent Windows Christmas Eve Parade’! The event starts at 10:30 at the Stan Laurel statue in Princes Street and ends at St Peter’s Chapel in Auckland Castle where the alterNATIVITY scene will be assembled and the final model of Jesus and the crib will be unveiled by The Bishop of Durham. The alterNATIVITY scene will be on view over the holiday period until January 5th.

The project is funded by Northern Heartlands through County Durham Community Foundation and other generous donors and is also supported by The Auckland Project. For more information contact David Pott on 07932 790525 or email badventwindows@gmail.com