On Wednesday 20th March Greenfield Community College had the privilege of welcoming the Army engagement team into school to give a fabulous presentation to our Year 10 pupils and those in Years 9 & 11 who have shown an interest in the armed forces. The presentation showed motivational videos and included real life experiences from our troops on the front line in places such as Afghanistan and previously Iraq and Kuwait. Pupils were taken aback by the honesty and insightfulness of the two Army presenters and showed how touched they were by the presentation from the huge response when asked “Are there any questions?”
Pupils were shown what it is really like living and working in the Army, some of the experiences that they could expect to encounter and the key personal qualities of a soldier or officer, so that the students could relate their individual strengths and weaknesses to life in the Army. Many of the pupils involved spent their break time speaking to the Captain and Corporal from the engagement team, discussing options about a career in the Army themselves.
The engagement team really did engage our young people and the presentation proved highly inspirational – thank you to the Army engagement team for this opportunity for our students.