During Fairtrade fortnight students at Greenfield Community College have been supporting Foncho, a banana farmer, to raise awareness of bananas being sold at unfair prices this threatens farmers’ futures.
In Time4Success, tutor groups have been participating in a wide range of activities learning more about Fairtrade. Students are helping to raise awareness of unfair banana prices and considering the consequences of this by designing campaign materials for Fairtrade’s current focus to ‘Stick with Foncho’.
Students are participating in quizzes, as well as making their voice heard by signing Foncho’s petition to make the trading of bananas fair. A competition has been running to guess how many Fairtrade Maltesers are in a jar. Saffron tutor group has been exploring the importance of buying Fairtrade products in the newly opened Room 13 in the Arts Centre.
On Friday, a group of students from Jade tutor group, including event masterminds Mille Tezcan-Fotoohi and Lucy Roberts from Year 8, organised a “Fairtrade Coffee Morning.” The event was brilliantly organised and promoted by the students, raising over £75 for Comic Relief selling Fair trade food and drinks and raffling some great Fairtrade prizes.
The event was attended by staff, parents and students from Years 10 and 11 who showed their support for both Comic Relief and Fair trade. Shirley Douglas, Jade Tutor Group teacher said “I am immensely proud of the mature and independent way all students managed their individual responsibilities making the event such a success.” This event, the activity over Fairtrade fortnight and the students’ responses to the Fairtrade debate demonstrate Greenfield’s commitment to global learning, creating students with a wide range of knowledge of the world around them and current issues.
Fair trade fortnight has continued this week at Greenfield with even more activity, supporting Foncho and Fair trade.
Greenfield Supporting Fair Trade