In September 2016 Jordan Kent and Curtis Craggs celebrated with their families the amazing achievement of five years without a day’s absence from Greenfield College. Mr Priestley and Mrs Stubbs joined them at the Riverside Stadium in Chester-le-Street to see them enjoy the glory and add their congratulations to that of Margaret Whellans, Corporate Director Children and Adult Services, Caroline O’Neill, Durham’s Head of Education and Metro Radio Presenter Karen Wight. 100% Attendance for five years has certainly paid off for these students, Jordan has done exceptionally well achieving 7A’s and 4 B’s in her GCSE’s allowing her to go onto study English Literature, Drama, French and Psychology at Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College in Darlington. Jordan was a star performer in the school productions and was always very determined not to miss a day at school. Curtis was determined to make every moment of his time at Greenfield count, resulting in 6 high grades. He too has moved to Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College. When Year 11 officially left in June Curtis kept coming back and even thought about applying for an Apprenticeship in the ICT department. We encouraged him to spread his wings and try out new things. Caroline O’Neill congratulated the students and expressed her thanks to the proud parents and teachers who had supported and encouraged the young people to show such commitment to attending school. Excellent attendance is a quality sought after by all employers and certainly something worth putting on any CV. By encouraging excellent attendance at school we believe we are preparing our students for their lives beyond school. Mrs Stubbs, Assistant Headteacher said “Greenfield has now celebrated 100% attendance at this ceremony for 12 years. It has become a regular date for the diary. Students want to attend Greenfield and be a part of the continuing success and caring environment in which every child is valued as an individual. We aim to develop resilient young people, a trait necessary to progress through life.”


IN PHOTO: L-R: Mrs. Stubbs, Mr Priestley, Jordan Kent, Caroline O’Neill, Curtis Craggs and DCC Vice Chairman Mike Dixon