Newton Aycliffe Neigh-bourhood Policing Team, and Greenfield Arts Centre have utilised funds made available to them by Great Aycliffe & Middridge Partnership to resolve an issue raised regularly by residents.
At local Police meetings, we are often told that an issue residents want to be resolved is the speeding of vehicles on our roads. We came up with an idea to create some road safety scarecrows which will be placed in areas highlighted by residents, and will be used to deter speeders and educate them regarding their manner of driving.
The scarecrows have been made by local youths who have attended summer schools and arts sessions, a professional artist and even members of the Newton Aycliffe police team!
The scarecrows that will be made are a child walking a dog, a female adult and also a police scarecrow modelled on myself. Attached is the completed image of the child scarecrow walking the dog.
PCSO Mike Hutchinson and Greenfield Arts Centre will launch the project on Wednesday 16th September at 10:45am at Greenfield Arts Centre in Newton Aycliffe.
Newton News is keen to promote the scheme to ensure residents know the police are working with communities to tackle local issues.
Greenfield Students Help Police Tackle Speeding Problem