Rehearsals are well underway for this year’s Greenfield College production to be performed in December. Without giving too many secrets away, the storyline, which includes dancing and music, takes place at a circus, where the custard pies aren’t being thrown so well, and the owners find themselves trapped in a world where a ‘Blackberry’ is not part of a young person’s 5 a- day.
Something needs to happen before their business is lost forever, could a group of unruly youths be the solution?
Greenfield College prides itself in offering high quality performing Arts teaching and learning, and this year’s results were even better than last with 100% of GCSE drama and 92% GCSE Dance students gaining A*- C.
An incredible 47% of these students gained A and A*s. These results are 27% above the National Average and contribute greatly to Greenfield’s fantastic overall statistics as one of the highest performing and most improved schools in the county.
Young people who come to Greenfield can access a host of opportunities including a dedicated Youth Dance Group ‘Grounded’ which has performed at Youth Dance England’s National performance programme at the Hippodrome, home of The Birmingham Royal Ballet.
Our Youth Theatre group received incredible praise for their performance of ‘We lost Elijah’ at Northern Stage earlier in the year. The National Theatre Connections programme has a strict application process and our consistent high results and reputation for quality have enabled the department to participate a number of times.
Our music team offer an incredible range of opportunities to all learners including Rock School, Guitar club, Singing for Success. Our choir, recently came third in a Darlington competition. We have a Drum club provided by American drum expert Mr Gomez, host Durham Music Service’s orchestra and also offer peripatetic tuition in Singing, Guitar, Drums, Brass and Woodwind.
Our school band are currently working really hard on learning the music for this year’s show and we thank them and all our learners for their hard work and dedication.
For more info check out the school’s website and follow us on twitter: @greenfieldPArts
Greenfield Rehearse for Annual Show