There was plenty to celebrate at Greenfield on Thursday 22nd August as students received their GCSE results.  Once again the school records were smashed and individual students achieved fantastic results.  70.34% of students achieved five or more high grades including English and Maths, an increase of over 15%.
Students achieved high results in Arts and Science subjects alongside huge increases in both English and Maths, with over 70% of students achieving C+ in each subject. These, combined with high grades in Modern Foreign Languages, History and Geography resulted in 31% of our students achieving the coveted Ebacc measure.
Chair of Governors Lesley Wilson said “We are particularly proud of the strong results in Maths and English this year”.
ICT results showed significant improvement.  Subject Leader for computing, Grant Sowerby said “These strong results are a strong foundation for future success”. Strong results across the board resulted in 95% of students achieving high grades in five or more subjects.
Headteacher, David Priestley congratulated all students on their achievements, saying “Students and teachers have worked together to achieve excellent results this year”.
Greenfield has achieved a range of regional, national and international recognition this year for its commitment to an all-round quality experience for its students.
This is a growing school on an exciting journey.
Mr Priestley acknowledged the on-going support of the Asset Schools’ partners which allows the school to offer a wealth of opportunities and to keep class sizes small.

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