Greenfield Arts invites you to preview our latest exhibition by Greenfield Community College GCSE students on Wednesday 28th June 6pm to 8pm. Showcasing the fantastic work of students studying for GCSEs in Visual Arts at Greenfield Community College – including sculpture, photography and graphics. This is a brilliant opportunity for students to see their creative work in a professional gallery environment as well as a chance for staff to highlight their skills and praise their achievements.
As part of a wider initiative to engage young people in the gallery, we will be hosting free interactive workshops enabling students a place to voice their opinion about how they would like to use the gallery space. This will occur in the lead up to the GCSE show, which opens on Thursday 29th June, and inform part of a secondary exhibition curated by Greenfield Community College students, open from Monday 17th July – Wednesday 26th July. Greenfield Arts has been working with five year 11 art students to better understand what it is students would like from the gallery and the opportunities it offers.
It has therefore been a very organic process, with students having space to see art, experience art workshops, deliver workshops and share information with other students. As a result of this process, the students have given themselves the task of curating one final exhibition as part of their GCSE year, offering graduate and aspiring artists a professional space to exhibit, something that is very hard to come by. For more information on any of the information here, check out the website or speak with one of our lovely team members on 01325 379048 or Gallery Opening Times: Monday – Thursday 10am – 9pm and Friday 10am – 4pm.