Two groups of pupils and staff from Greenfield Community College were invited to share excellent practice with educational professionals from around the world at the SSAT National Conference in Manchester last week.
Teachers Ellie Barnes and Emma Curran were joined by students Nicole Todd and Lucy Roberts to share Greenfield’s vertical tutoring programme “Time 4 Success” with their audience on Friday morning. The students spoke eloquently and confidently about the importance of reading, mentoring and intervention within T4S, and explained how their Tutors put the system into practice. They gave an insightful pupil point of view on how T4S has helped their personal and group skills and the benefits of working in a mixed age group.
After the talk, the students and teachers led an enquiry session with their audience, mimicking a Time 4 Success session. This provided a great talking point, inspiring even the international teachers present about the ways to encourage students to achieve and promote independent learning.
The presentation was very well received, prompting questions from teaching professionals about how to introduce the programme into their own schools. After their presentation the students had the opportunity to join staff at a presentation about how iPads can be used in school for learners to lead learning. The girls were really interested in the presentation; it has given them a lot to think about and to use in their own learning.
This is just one of the two fantastic experiences Greenfield had at the SSAT conference last week, where students were a credit to their school and the work of the staff and students at Greenfield Community College was celebrated and recognised – well done Greenfield!
Greenfield Excellence at National Conference