Greenfield Community College are thrilled to be nominated for a prestigious award. The TES School Awards (Times Educations Supplement) celebrate the outstanding work carried out in schools and Greenfield have been put forward for their exceptional achievement in creative learning.
TES describe their awards “as a fantastic way to join together in these isolating times to celebrate your school’s achievements with colleagues and the wider education community, boost morale and get national recognition for your hard work and successes.” Students and staff at Greenfield certainly fall into this category, achieving great things in challenging times with support from families and expert staff. The school have continued to provide creative stimulus through whole school projects in 2020/2021 that have brought positive learning experiences that promote creativity for a healthy and inspiring learning experience.
Initiatives such as How Can I Help produced a campaign that allowed all students to be inspired by The Big Draw’s ‘climate of change’ which encourage creativity and artwork that explored changes they wanted to see. Students were given the opportunity during their T4S (Time for Success) tutor group lesson to create their own artwork, learning new skills and developing curiosity about themselves, culminating in an online exhibition. T4S is a strength of Greenfield’s curriculum as a dedicated time each day for students to develop their learning attributes, develop their reading and receive mentoring and support from tutors and staff.
Students have also been involved in the production of the school’s student learning journal. The design and content was created by the students themselves working alongside creative practitioners and Greenfield Arts. The project included whole school research and the findings informed the journal itself. This led to enquiries from global organisations who were interested to work with students and develop further educational tools.
Student leaders have recently worked alongside Greenfield Arts and have designed and developed ‘A Creative Space’ platform that is a creative online resource for their peers. The space is available for staff and students to access to promote and encourage well-being through creativity. Creative learning has proved hugely beneficial, building confidence and decision-making skills for those involved and new everyday tools that students across the school have to support their wellbeing and development. Their dedication and creativity has also led to a nomination for the student leader group who have been recognised in a nomination for the Durham Youth Council Young People’s Awards 2021.
Greenfield Community College are committed to Greenfield Community College are committed to supporting students to reach their full potential The school promotes an inclusive curriculum encouraging students to work together to realise an outstanding learning experience. If you would like further information visit or contact the school by emailing or by calling 01325 300378.