A group of Year 11 students from Greenfield Community College were pleased to welcome UNTitled Theatre group to address the impact of everyday sexism on their lives. Inspired by the Guardian journalist, Laura Bates’ blog of the same name, ‘Everyday Sexism’ attempts to help young people recognise the damage that can be done to their self-esteem and confidence by sexist attitudes and behaviour.
UNTitled Theatre are working with ARC Stockton during their research and development phase creating a live performance piece, touring in Spring 2015 reflecting the experiences of hundreds of young people from the U.K.
Katy Milne, Director of Arts and Creativity, said “As an Arts Centre we were really pleased to be able to organise this valuable opportunity to bring Untitled Theatre in to work in collaboration with Greenfield Community College students and explore in detail, ideas and experiences of ‘everyday sexism’. The girls involved were extremely generous in sharing their thoughts and opinions in a sensitive and mature manner, which made it possible for everyone to feel comfortable to speak. They really did themselves proud!”
UNTitled worked with a group of twenty Year 11 girl students, to challenge the ways in which they think about sexist language and attitudes. Ellie Stevens, really enjoyed the event and commented, “Workshops like this really make us think about issues which we might normally ignore.”
Further plans are in the pipeline to explore this important theme with a group of Year 11 boys, after all sexism can affect us all!
Greenfield Challenge ‘Everyday Sexism’