Greenfield Arts recently took part in the Thinking for Learning Symposium in The Netherlands, which is a national platform aimed at finding new ways in which we can develop learning. Our Director of Arts and Creativity, Katy Milne, attended in order to share the practice of Greenfield Arts, in partnership with Greenfield Community College, and gain insight in the developments happening in other countries.
“This is a great way to build on our existing knowledge but also share the amazing work going on right on our doorstep with the students and local people from our community.” Katy said “It was a great experience and we were very proud to be invited for the second time, due to the work we are achieving here at Greenfield.”
Katy brought back some wonderful insights and made yet more international friends. We also shared our SOLE (Self Organised Learning Environment) research project which sees its second birthday of Room 13 this month.
For more information or to work with us contact Greenfield Arts on 01325 379048, or pop in to speak to us.
Greenfield Arts at International Event