WOW! Yet another great evening at Newton Aycliffe WI Monthly meeting. This month we where privileged to share the evening with a local, Adele Lambert, who shared her experience and moving life story.
She had, with the aid of breathing apparatus, suffered from birth with Cystic Fibrosis. At the age of 38 years after years dealing with a daily routine of trying to clear hers lungs to breathe, she finally had a lung transplant at the RVI in Newcastle in September 2013.
She is an inspiration to us all having just recently competed in the Heart and Lung Transfer Olympics, and we where all so pleased that she was able to share her excitement with us in achieving Gold in Archery and Silver in Breaststroke.Adele’s story touched our hearts and souls!
Our next Meeting is held at St Clare’s Church Hall, Newton Aycliffe on Tuesday,
8th September with a prompt start at 7.15pm. For further details please contact Lyn Swift, Tel: 01325 314805.