One participant in the Great North Run has raised over £500 in just 11 days for Options, a group for disabled adults at the Pioneering Care Centre.
Chris Wright, an A & E Nurse Manager for NHS Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead, chose to give the money to the Options group on the recommendation of his mother Maggie Wright, who works in the Centre as a CBT Therapist. Altogether Chris raised £529.40, which will go towards future trips and activities for the group. Linda West, Options Project Officer, was thrilled to welcome Chris to meet members of the Options evening social club:
“We’re very lucky to have such a lively group with new members joining all the time. Each year we try to do different activities and trips for our members to give them something to look forward to and this donation will be a huge help in supporting our work. It’s wonderful to think that there are such good-hearted and generous people in our community. We’d like to say a huge thank you to Chris for running the Great North Run for us and welcome him back to visit in future”.
Options is a user-led project for disabled adults that promotes independence, choice, equality and integration and is managed by the Pioneering Care Partnership. So far this year, the group have travelled to Redcar, Darlington, Durham, Middlesbrough and the East Midlands, with another weekend away in Kepplewray in the Lake District coming up this November.
Members of the Options evening social club with runner and donor Chris Wright (fifth from the left).