The Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan received a resounding YES vote at last week’s referendum. The official results are:- Yes – 2540 (91.2%) No – 244 (8.8%) Spoilt Papers – 5 Electorate – 20,015 2,789 Ballot Papers Issued Turnout 13.9% This makes the Neighbourhood Plan an official statutory planning document that the Planning Authority, Durham County Council, must reference and use when considering any planning applications in the Parish of Great Aycliffe. When the County Durham Local Plan progresses it must now be ‘in general conformity’ with the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan.
The Neighbourhood Plan will secure larger garage sizes, sufficient parking, protect our local green spaces and ensure an area of separation is maintained for Aycliffe Village. Our policy ‘Housing for Older People’ which includes bungalow provision is the first in the Country and there is also provision for additional bungalows and affordable housing to ensure the local housing needs are met. The Town Council have set up a Planning SubCommittee to consider planning applications within the Parish, these meetings are open to the public and will be advertised in advance in the Newton News, on the Town Council website and in Town Council notice boards. Thank you once again to all those residents who helped develop the plan and everyone who took the time to go and vote. Christine Walton Corporate & Policy Officer Great Aycliffe Town Council Tel: 300700