The newly elected Aycliffe Youth Councillors held their first meeting last week and it was good to see so many enthusiastic young people working together with a common aim which is to put other young people’s opinions forward, make the town better and give young people responsibility for doing things which directly affected them.
Josh Blackburn said “I joined Aycliffe Youth Council in order to become involved in the town and to represent the youth. The Youth Council is a great idea because it allows the voice of youngsters to be heard. I would like to work towards my goal of eventually becoming chairman and become more involved with the Town Council”.
The aims of Aycliffe Youth Council are:
To encourage participation in the democratic process.
To provide young people with the opportunity to share their ideas and priorities with Great Aycliffe Town Council.
To provide a way for Great Aycliffe Town Council and other agencies to consult with young people.
Aycliffe Youth Council has a limited grants budget available for youth organisations based in the Great Aycliffe area. Please put your requests in writing to Aycliffe Youth Council, c/o Great Aycliffe Town Council, Council Offices, School Aycliffe Lane, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 6QF or email
Please state the name and activities of your organisation, how much money you are requesting, what you are currently doing to raise funds yourself and what the money will be used for.
The Youth Council will also need to see your recently audited accounts and/or most recent balance sheets or most recent bank statement.
Great Aycliffe Youth Council