Steven Mitton from CDFHS chaired the December meeting of GACAP which brought another new face to Great Aycliffe Community Action Partnership’s monthly meeting which has been moved, because of increasing numbers, from the Agnew Centre to DISC Offices near the Blue Bridge.
There was a buzz round the table and partners shared what was happening in their own organisations. Val Fawcett from Durham Alcohol Support Services (D.A.S.S.) was the new partner. As many as 12 people with Alcohol Dependancy issues meet every Thursday 11am-1pm at the Leisure Centre. The group is non-judgemental and non-religious.
Sheena Stephenson, who manages Community Alcohol Services on behalf of Lifeline Community Action, said she had a lady addict now 5 weeks without a drink. This was a significant achievement, Sheena also manages Baby Basics, which is a service for mums of all ages, who were short of even the basic requirements for their baby or young child.
Chris Palmer, again signing for Christine from the deaf community, said that with current cutbacks it was impossible for people who are deaf or who like him have a hearing impairment to get much needed assistance.
Susan Sadler from Lifeline Community Action said Christmas food hampers and children’s toys would be distributed to needy families on the town. She thanked Santander and Asda for holding toy collections to enable them to ensure no child – they were aware of  – would go without a present at Christmas. A Christmas Lunch is on 19th December and partners were asked to advise of any lonely people who could benefit. The Rotary Club were also distributing hampers to needy families at Christmas reported Geoff Batchelor, Club Welfare Officer.
Dorothy Bowman’s groups were progressing well, the Dementia Group now met at the Western Area Community Centre Tuesday Morning and often all day on a Thursday. Junior Neighbourhood Watch also meet at the centre as did Kool for Kids. New Friends New Places meet at the Navy Club. The new Shopping Club is picking people up with trips to various shopping locations followed by lunch together. She also reminded partners about the Community Mini Bus which was available for hire.
Liane Taylor from DISC advised of two opportunities for young people one being for 19 plus, offering advice and guidance, and the other for 18-25 years, which had run for 3 years giving support in a group or one to one. A free Coffee Morning with Mince Pies will be held on 11th December at DISC.
Chris from Homegroup said they were holding a Christmas Fair on 16th December from 11am-2pm to raise funds. Bric-a-Brac or clothing donations would be gratefully received.
Clair, from Veterans at Ease, said they would be holding a networking coffee morning between 10am-11.30am on 22nd January at Bede House on Aycliffe Business Park.
Steven, from County Durham Furniture Help Scheme (CDFHS), asked for reports around the table for those who wanted to add comments. He said that NE First Credit Union would have a permanent office at his Chilton premises with trained staff from CDFHS available during office hours.
For further details of any of the events please contact GACAP on  The next meeting for the Group will be 1st February 2016 at 4pm at DISC Premises by the Blue Bridge.