Zanshin-Kai Karate, based in Woodham Community centre, recently held its first grading of 2013. The afternoons were well attended & the instructors were very pleased with the standard and enthusiasm show by the students, all of whom successfully earned their new belts. Well done to the beginners who recently joined us.
The results were: 9th Kyu – Harvey Yale, Jack Dobie, Jacob Humble, Darlene Greaves & Tyler Gibbon, 8th Kyu – Ethan Wright, Leanne, Wright, Kristina Yale, Chloe Collins, Kelly Freeman & Helen Milligan, 7th Kyu – Kris Wall, Gavin Tones, Matthew Butterworth & Darcy Greaves
6th Kyu – Aaron Busby
3nd Kyu – Jessica Butterworth
If you’re interested in taking up Karate and would like more information call into Woodham Community centre any Sunday or Thursday, call 07917203421/07988709604 or email
Beginners always welcome & if you join in April all newcomers get two weeks (four classes) free!
Grading Results