Dear Sir,
As Vice Chairman of Governors at Sugar Hill Primary School, I am delighted to report that following a recent Ofsted inspection, our wonderful school – the beating heart of our community and the fulcrum for so many of our hopes for the future of our town – has been classified as being a ‘Good’ school.
The achievement of the pupils, the quality of the teaching, the behaviour and safety of the pupils, as well as the leadership and management of Sugar Hill Primary School were all classified as being good. But that does not tell the whole story.
I have been a governor at Sugar Hill for eleven years and have never felt so proud of our school, its Admin staff, its pupils and their teachers as I do now. Not only are our teachers doing a brilliant job, delivering the curriculum and imbuing values to our pupils, but there is a palpable sense of togetherness and caring, throughout the whole school.
I continue to be astonished by not only the academic progress of the pupils, but also the love and genuine social support that pupils exhibit both collectively and individually.
The senior management team of Headteacher, Linda Cumming, her Deputy, Paula O’Rourke and Assistant Headteacher, Linda Edwards, deserve the very highest praise.
Finally, in this my final year as Vice Chairman, I wish to pay tribute to our long-serving, hard-working, Chairman of Governors, Lyn Swift. Lyn has dedicated herself to achieving the very best for the pupils of our school; working tirelessly to support the staff and governors in taking Sugar Hill to where it is now. Well done, Lyn! Well done, Sugar Hill!
Derek G Atkinson,
Vice Chairman,
Sugar Hill Primary School.