Poor weather on Thursday 16th October could not dampen the enthusiasm of the forty one Vane Road schoolchildren on their visit to Ferryhill Business and Enterprise College. They were there to take part in the School County Cross Country competition and proved to be great ambassadors for their school.
Mr Cant, Head of P.E., was justifiably proud of all of the children for their determination and commitment despite the mud and wind. Medals were awarded to: Harmony 1st (Year 3/4); Harry 1st (Year 3/4 ); Josh 1st (Year 5/6 ) and Brennan 3rd (Year 5/6).
The team results were 2nd place for both Year 3/4 girls and boys whilst 1st place was awarded to the Year 5/6 boys. Well done to all involved and good luck to the winners who will now go on to run in the County Finals in March.
Good Results for Vane Road Runners