Parents of children at Greenfield are regularly asked to tell the school what we are doing well and how we can do better.
Last week it was the turn of year 7 students who gave their reasons for choosing Greenfield. The most popular reason was the reputation of the school in the community, followed by academic results. Another key factor was the past experiences enjoyed by their children at Greenfield including sports, arts, taster days etc.
Parents, who came along to talk to tutors at the Year 7 evening, were keen to share their comments about how well their children had settled in over the first four weeks. Strong communication between school and home was seen as a great strength; parents particularly like our system of live reporting.
Greenfield was also praised by parents for quality teaching to engage and stretch, “excellent exam results”, building confidence and for being a “safe and caring school”.
One parent, Mrs Simpson, said: “My child has blossomed already and feels safe, confident and comfortable in school which is all a parent can ask in the first few weeks of transition. The school staff are fantastic, the support is amazing but the best thing so far is online reporting – I love it. The after school clubs are great too.”
An excellent turn-out of parents for the evening enjoyed time with tutors, advice on ‘live reporting’, support for helping children at home and a fabulous display of year 7 work.
There are plenty of other ways for Greenfield parents to have their voice heard. Surveys are carried out at every parent evening and any suggestions are followed up. The Greenfield Parent Focus Group will hold their first meeting of the academic year on Monday October 13th at 6.00pm in Room 13 [Arts Centre]. The group meet once every half term to discuss new initiatives, proposed changes or just air views about school life and would love to see new members join the session. Parents can also drop-in any Wednesday from 3.30 -6.00 to discuss any issues or concerns. No appointment necessary.
Mrs Stonehouse, Deputy Head Teacher, said “We are delighted that parents of year 7 feel that their children have got off to a flying start at Greenfield. They are a wonderful year group to work with, keen to ask questions and extend their learning. However we are always seeking ways to improve and welcome comments from parents. We know that working in partnership is crucial for a child to be happy, enjoy school and make progress.”
Good Partnership with Parents at Greenfield