Sedgefield 75 Swimming Club kept up their annual tradition of attending Derwentside Swimming Club’s Christmas Cracker gala in Stanley at the beginning of December. Always a popular competition with the swimmers, with seasonal selection box prizes given to the winner of each heat.
The swimmers returned an unbelievable medal tally of 12 medals from 14 swims, with 8 of them being gold.
Niamh Welburn won gold in 50m backstroke and 100m backstroke and breaststroke to go with silver in 50m freestyle and breaststroke in which she set an astonishing 8 seconds PB.
Charlie McEwan took bronze at 50m butterfly, and Aviana Wilson picked up 5 golds – in 50m butterfly & backstroke, 100m freestyle, butterfly and backstroke. She also took bronze at 50m freestyle.
Coach John Moore was delighted with the successes, rewards for a lot of hard work in training.
Also in December, the club held a sponsored swim in aid of the Mayor Carl Robinson’s chosen charity, All Disabilities Matter, with the swimmers taking sponsorship for the number of lengths they could swim in one hour. The swimmers were highly motivated and pushed themselves that bit further and hit their target amount of £500 for the charity. Thanks to all the swimmers, their sponsors and the volunteer lap counters that made it all happen.
Golden Gala for Swimmers