Muscular Dystrophy UK (MDUK) is calling for everyone in the North East to take part in its Go Bright fundraising initiative on 3rd February 2023 to support those in the area who have a muscle-wasting condition as well as family, friends and colleagues who might be affected. This initiative aims to shine a light on muscle-wasting conditions and raise much needed awareness and funds to support vital research to help fight muscular dystrophy.
The fundraising day, now in its sixth year, is challenging schools, employers and everyone in between to wear their boldest, brightest colours on the day. Get people to sponsor you while you dress in vivid colours that the 80s would be shocked at and engage with the fundraising pack materials to maximise how much you can fundraise.
Whether it’s swapping your school uniform to wear one bright thing, dressing to the nines with your work colleagues, on video calls or simply strutting your stuff with friends and family at your local club or community centre – we need you!
For further information and to request your Go Bright pack contact or you can register online at and help brighten the lives of more than 110,000 people living with muscle-wasting conditions.
If you need help or support with a muscle wasting condition, please call our free helpline on 0800 652 6352 (open Mon-Thurs 10am-2pm).
Go Bright for Muscular Dystrophy UK