Care workers in County Durham are lending their voices – and faces
– to a recruitment campaign to help fill thousands of vacancies in the adult social care sector.
The ‘Made with Care North East’ campaign brings together all 12 North East local authorities, including Durham County Council, to encourage recruitment and retention in the sector.
The campaign will see staff share their stories and their images feature on buses, trains and social media with the aim of championing careers in adult social care.
They’ll also enjoy nationwide profile as the campaign is being run in partnership with a national advertising campaign sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care.
One of those supporting the campaign is Alex Hogan, 24, who became the 100th graduate of the council’s County Durham Care Academy last summer before landing a job as a support worker in Willington. “I wanted to have a career in care so badly,” she said. “The Care Academy helped put my mind at rest by providing answers to all of my questions about what working in the sector entails. I was a carer for my grandad for a year and talking to the staff made me realise I already had a lot of skills suitable for the role. Now I’ve been able to develop them with their support.”
The campaign has been brought to life by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services North East (ADASS).
Jane Robinson, chair of ADASS North East and Durham County Council’s corporate director of adult and health services, said: “All 12 of the North East’s directors of adult social services are adamant that the successful recruitment and retention of a dedicated and passionate adult social care workforce is key to enable people to receive the highest quality care, whether they live independently in their own homes, or receive care in a care home or other care setting.”
“As our amazing people have told us, working in adult social care is a career like no other. The difference they make to people’s lives on a daily basis is incredible and the rewards they get from that work makes them feel, quite rightly, proud and fulfilled. They are encouraging anyone who is thinking about working in adult social care to give it a go. Adult social care is a great area to work and it offers flexibility around hours and shift patterns, which can help many people fit in work around their other commitments as well as excellent career progression into a number of different areas such as social work, nursing and leadership and management. If you are inspired by our stories then please search for ‘care careers’ online.”
“Give it a Go!”: Care Workers Unite to Fill Job Vacancies