In the summer of 2003, CentreStage performed their summer production of ‘All Greased Up’, which was written by a member of the cast and well recieved at the Civic Hall, Shildon by many who came and enjoyed the show.
A decade on, and once again CentreStage will be performing an updated version, described as ‘Grease’ set in present day. This show is an all singing, all dancing production of what Grease would have been like if set in the present day with many characters you may recognise as well as some classic songs that come from that superb 70’s film.
The story is quite similar but with a twist and also a couple of more up to date songs. The rehearsals are well on the way for the acting side and we will be adding the music very shortly, but this is where we need your help.
We would love to have some new members for ‘All Greased Up’, and are looking for dancers to give that extra edge to several songs in this production, as well as choreography. We are an adult group so anyone who is interested please have a look on our 2 facebook pages, Shildon CentreStage or the All greased Up page, both have links to our website.
If you would like to join our group please contact me on 01325 313363. We look forward to any new members joining this very enjoyable production.