Nine local groups ranging from sports clubs to older peoples groups in the Newton Aycliffe area have been supported by a community grant fund.
The Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership (GAMP) Community Grant Fund has proved to be a major boost for a number of local groups and in some cases has provided essential funding to help them develop their services.
The Community Grant Fund allowed local community groups to apply for grants between £250 and £750 after GAMP allocated £5,146 of its Area Budget towards the initiative.
This unique fund has helped a wide range of groups, including NEMESIS ALLSTARS Cheerleading Squad, who received funding to help with the purchase of a tumble track. The specialist track will help squad members improve their skills. The ever popular cheerleading squad is based at Greenfield School and has 60 members who compete nationally throughout the year.
Louise Brass, from the NEMESIS ALLSTARS, said: “The funding we received from GAMP will help our squad members be better prepared for competitions. Currently we get deducted points at competitions because we compete on sprung floors, but as we don’t have one ourselves this puts us at a disadvantage. Thanks to GAMP and the efforts of our members to raise additional funding the club can now purchase a specialist tumble track.”
The Community Grant Fund has focused on trying to help a wide range of groups, and has attracted over £6,829 worth of match funding.
Other groups who have benefitted from the grants include: Knit and Natter Group (St Elizabeth’s Church), Woodham Community Centre, Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society, Aycliffe Running Club, Sedgefield Water Polo Club, JAFFA Club, Neville Community Centre and SHINE Children’s Community Choir.
Brian Riley, GAMP Coordinator, said: ‘The success of the fund means it is now fully allocated and has proved to be of immense benefit to a wide range of local groups, who work within our community. As Coordinator of GAMP, I was really pleased to see that a number of new groups who haven’t received funding from GAMP in the past benefitted on this occasion.’’
GAMP Community Grants Awarded