Residents and community groups turned out in force to celebrate ‘What’s’ Great in Aycliffe and Middridge. The event arranged by Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership (GAMP) on 8th November showcased over 40 local community groups and service providers, highlighting the wide range of community activities and services that are available in the area.
A really vital part of the event was to ask local people to vote for their most important priorities that GAMP and its partners should be working on for the area next year. The voting proved very popular, with residents identifying what matters to them most in their community. The GAMP Board will now look at the results of the public vote when setting their priorities at the November Board meeting (more news to follow on this soon).
Community groups working with Children and Young People also had the opportunity to collect an application pack for the ‘Children and Young People’ Small Grants Fund, which was launched at the event. On the day over 30 application packs were distributed to local groups. The Small Grants Fund for Children & Young People provides grants of up to £1,000 for local groups organising projects/activities within the GAMP area that improve the lifestyle, wellbeing and social inclusion of young people. The Small Grants Fund for Children & Young People will support a wide range of community focused initiatives and is managed on behalf of GAMP by the Pioneering Care Partnership. Application packs are still available by contacting Kath Ferry at the PCP on (01325) 327 462 or at
Over 50 local residents also took the opportunity to give Durham County Council feedback on its Mid Term Financial Plan, by taking time to complete a questionnaire to outline their views on areas where Durham County Council could make possible savings.
Overall, the event proved to be a success; GAMP Coordinator (Brian Riley) – ‘I would like to thank local residents, community groups and service providers for supporting the event and look forward to working with our partners in the coming year.’
Champion Cheerleaders “Nemesis” gave a demonstration and had a stall promoting their fundraising show at Greenfield Sports Hall on Sunday 16th November at 5.30pm. Stunts, Tumbles, Dancing and singing will feature in this spectacular event. Emial for tickets:
GAMP Community Event