Great Aycliffe Community Aid Partnership had an excellent meeting on Monday 5th March at Disc Offices. Numbers were slightly reduced due to weather, but what was lacking in numbers was made up for in the content and the presentation by speakers.

The Management Report brought partners up to date with the progress of the website. Peter Driver said he hoped to have something to show partners at the next meeting. He confirmed the current website is still up and running. Partners were asked to please return information about themselves for the website.

Partners were reminded that the Rotary Club of Newton Aycliffe were holding a fund raising event on 23rd March at the Big Club with funding going to the MRI appeal.

As the Thames centre is no longer available for tombola/fund raising events due to a change in staff and their preferences for permanent stalls in the centre meant GACAP would have to look around to find another suitable venue with an increased footfall.

Guest speaker Christine Fletcher from Age UK County Durham, she explained they were an independent charity not to be confused with any other charity.

She spoke eloquently on the problem we all have with scammers, either phone, computer, post or door. Scammers are all highly trained and pensioners have been known to hand over their pensions and extortionate amounts of money from their savings. Easy responses to scammers were shared with partners.

Stacy Porter, Volunteer & Engagement Officer from Durham University spoke on feedback since her last talk. Her role at the university is in staff volunteering where each member had 35 hours a year to volunteer in the local community. The food bank at St Clare’s had already benefitted from the scheme and whatever people need from website and app design to stuffing envelopes would be considered. 3M had come on board with the volunteering and helped the food bank.

Stacy showed a video of work done on revamping a community garden from an overgrown area to something of real benefit to the community .

The date and time of the next meeting had been changed from the usual Monday as it is Easter Monday to Friday 6th April, usual time and place.

The AGM is on Friday 20th April at the Big Club. The Guest Speakers Phil Wilson MP and Sid Rooke from NE First Credit Union. Hopefully the Mayor of Aycliffe will be able to attend to open the meeting.

Partners were reminded that all officers and management committee stand down at the AGM, but can stand again if they wished. All nomination must be with the Secretary by hand or electronically, prior to the commencement of the April meeting.

One of the AOB items was another free community lunch to be held on Good Friday at Burnhill Way Community Centre. For more information see Dorothy Bowman, Simon Day or Jane Johnson. This meal is a follow on from the extremely successful Christmas Day Lunch.

Finally we saw the essence of GACAP in action when Kath Pinner from the Food bank said she had a volunteer who was looking for a placement, Dawn McCreanor from Moretime Uk Ltd Cafe and Furniture Store confirmed she was looking for a volunteer. A win win situation!

Joan Mitchie


Pictured: Stacy Porter