Andrew Gaskin’s goal is to cycle from home (Byers Green) to Santiago de Compostela in North West Spain and raise as much as possible for two charities, Niemann Pick and Marie Curie.
From Byers Green, Co Durham, he will head through the UK down to Dover, then, after a ferry ride across the Channel, follow various bike routes and back roads through France to the Spanish Border. From there, he will be following the Camino de Santiago (The Way of St James), an ancient Pilgrim route across the North of Spain.
Andrew will be cycling on his own and expects to complete the 1800 mile journey in four weeks. Please help raise at least £1800 for 1800 miles for the chosen charities.
Niemann Pick Type C
Andrew’s brother-in-law, Jonathan, has suffered from Niemann Pick Type C since he was a teenager, and Andrew wants to raise funds and awareness for this little-known rare disease.
Niemann Pick is a rare inherited disease that affects the body’s ability to metabolise fat (cholesterol and lipids) within cells. These cells malfunction and, over time, die. Niemann Pick Disease can affect the brain, nerves, liver, spleen, bone marrow and, in severe cases, lungs. The money raised will help them carry on their fantastic work.
The GoFundMe link is:
Fundraising for Niemann Pick