The Great Aycliffe & Middridge Partnership (GAMP) Board has a budget of approximately £50k remaining, and applications are invited for projects from community & voluntary or not-for-profit organisations and groups. Grant limits between £5,000 – £25,000 have been agreed, and projects must take place in the GAMP area.

Proposals are invited for projects which help to support positive outcomes for children, young people and families and/or older people in the GAMP AAP area to live a happier, healthier and safer life. Our focus this year is on an overarching ‘Covid Recovery’ priority theme, and projects should aim to address at least one of the following key issues:

• Employability initiatives

• Advice and Guidance

• Physical Activity, Mental Health & Wellbeing

• Organisational sustainability

• Food provision and support

• Social Isolation

• Support for the Voluntary and Community Sector, or

• Support to small businesses (through a third party, not-for-profit organisation to complement existing DCC and external opportunities).

This is not an exhaustive list and there may be other recovery areas that need to be taken into consideration. Groups are permitted to apply for more than one grant, so long as one funding allocation is not reliant on another.

Applications can be submitted for either capital or revenue funding (or both), and projects which include an element of capital spend are encouraged. If you need advice on the specific definitions for capital/revenue, please get in touch. Project proposals must also include a minimum of 5% match funding (either cash or in-kind, or a combination of both). Closing date is 5.00pm on Sunday 31 January 2021.

All eligible applications will be assessed and ranked by a panel of GAMP Board members, to determine which projects will successfully be awarded funding. Prospective applicants should allow at least 12 weeks after the deadline for potential project start dates, to give sufficient time for our technical appraisal process.

Please contact us for an application pack, or if you’d like further information telephone 07834 147211 or email: