Schools North East has recently launched #FundOurFuture – a national campaign encouraging parents and families to put their child at the centre of the call for greater levels of school funding. The charity, a network of 1150 schools, created by head teachers, has launched the campaign in response to mounting concerns from school leaders concerned at the escalating school funding crisis.
According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), over the last ten years funding per pupil has fallen by 8% in real terms. This means that on average, the Government now spends £500 less per child on school education in England.
In response, the #FundOurFuture campaign is asking the public to send a clear, strong message to Prime Minister Theresa May. The campaign is calling for a £5.7 billion school spending boost in line with ASCL’s recommendations for 2019/20.
The campaign enables members of the public to create a symbolic £500 banknote at, email it direct to Prime Minister Theresa May and share it through their social media profiles.
Dedicated to giving parents, carers, guardians and relatives a voice and platform, #FundOurFuture focuses on the value of children’s education. The notes created will be personalised with the faces (either a photograph or drawing) of children currently in education, putting them at the heart of this campaign, as they bear the ultimate consequences of funding cuts.
Mike Parker, Director of Schools North East said: “Put simply, young people are the future of our country, so it’s crucial that we give them the best chance to succeed from an early age.
“Funding cuts are affecting schools across the country, forcing them to remove important provisions, make staff redundant and reduce the levels of care and support each child receives. Some have even had to turn to parents, asking for donations to help provide the level of support and facilities children deserve. We want to draw attention to the gravity of this situation and demonstrate to Theresa May that we care about our children’s future.
“If you’re able to take five minutes to create, submit and share a personalised banknote, we can put pressure on the Government to #FundOurFuture.”
Fund our Future