Dear Sir, After reading last week’s issue it appears the Labour Party are in fear of not being re-elected. Why do they use out of town printers to produce their leaflets, yet take advantage of free editorials for their battle plans in the Newton News? They are also blaming and complaining about Government cuts even after they were in power for 14 years, leaving this country in the biggest debt ever! The promise to do this and that if re-elected, but these jobs should have been done years ago. Candidates will be bonded by ties to the Labour Group and will do what they are told and not what the people want. Think for yourselves Newtonians . . . I am Independent and proud of it – Can’t wait for Brexit! Name and Address supplied.
Editor: We are grateful for the printing work Newton Press received and it was only County Council candidates who had to accept a Labour group decision to use a printer of their choice.