An enthusiastic number of members from County Durham Friendship Force met together to ‘break out’ and celebrate their first get together since the start of the pandemic.
They chose the 21st June for it’s Mid Summer Madness Breakout at the Bay Horse in Middridge.
All social events and travel events had been halted for over a year due to the Covid pandemic.
Whilst social events have now ‘stepped up the group stepped out’ to meet together. Hopefully when restrictions are fully lifted all members will take part in future events.
County Durham Friendship Force is one of an international group established by President Carter over 40 years ago following his trip to Newcastle and his interest in the area. Currently around 50+ countries are part of the international organisation.
Normally a group of 12/15 members travel to countries across the globe to ensure they develop friendship in these countries and learn more of their local and country cultures.
Immediately prior to the pandemic County Durham Friendship Force had spend around a month away, with three weeks in New Zealand. Unfortunately their trip to Japan in March 2020 fell foul of the pandemic and was cancelled.
Future incoming and outgoing journeys are still on the back burner until all member countries are pandemic free.
Nevertheless, socially the Co Durham group have broken out and enjoyed their meals with a dozen plus members.
If you are interested in learning more about the social and holiday group, take a look at their website
Further details of upcoming social events will be advertised on their website, or, if you want a chat, you can contact the president Cynthia Scott on 01325 313055.
Friendship Force Breakout